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Good Luck!

Having worked so closely together over such a long period of time it is really hard to say good bye to our Year 5 class. They have worked so hard over this past year, really putting in 110% to improve in all areas. Taking the time to learn new vocabulary, practicing their exam technique as well as ensuring that they understand and can apply all the maths concepts that they have learnt over this past year. We are truly proud of their achievements and we know that they will excel in their 11 plus exams starting with the Bexley exams tomorrow and Kent to follow on Saturday. Their success will be our success and we wish them the best of luck!!

If you have children sitting their exams this year Good Luck to them too. This is a nerve-racking time for the both of you. As the saying goes, Keep Calm and Breathe.... :) It will be all over soon!

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