Summer Revision Course
Venue: Imperial College London
There’s no better way to inspire your children to go to prestigious universities than by showing them what’s in store for them. There’s no better place to inspire creativity and make the idea of education exciting than the Imperial College London.
Our Year 5 revision courses endevours to prepare our students for the 11+ in the period before the exams. Core techniques and concepts for all subjects are covered. During the revision courses, testing under exam conditions gives your child the practice and continued feedback needed to strategically prepare in the final months leading up to the exams. Additionally we provide feedback to parents to ensure that areas of weakness are followed through at home.
The focus and confidence that is built in this period helps put your child in the right frame of mind for the exams. Your child will receive bespoke support from our subject experts at a critical time in the run up to their exams, helping them to achieve their best possible performance
​The ISEB Common Pre-Test assesses four subjects:
English (reading comprehension and SPaG)
Non-verbal reasoning
Verbal reasoning
The English and maths sections are based on the Key Stage 2 national curriculum taught up to the end of Year 5. They assess your child's ability to recall what they have been taught and apply this knowledge to solve problems.
Verbal and non-verbal reasoning are designed to test your child’s academic potential through question types that they are not familiar with. They focus on the ability to acquire new information and apply it to new situations.
You can view a list of some of the schools that use ISEB Common Pre-Test here. If you’re not sure if your child will be taking ISEB Common Pre-Test as part of their entrance assessment, get in touch with us here. We will be happy to confirm for you.
CEM Select covers three key main subject areas: Verbal Ability, Non-Verbal Ability and Numerical Ability.
The test is split up into five or six short modules and takes around 1 hour to complete in total.
Three or four of the modules will cover Verbal Ability.
One or two of the modules will cover Numerical Ability.
One of the modules will cover Non-Verbal Ability.
You can view a list of some of the schools that use CEM Select here. If you’re not sure if your child will be taking CEM Select as part of their entrance assessment, get in touch with us here. We will be happy to confirm for you.